
This blog is an accounting of my personal journey to find fitness. All the content on this blog should be read as a biographical piece of literature, not a medical resource. I am a physician, but I am in no way giving medical advice or establishing doctor patient relationships with my readers. I am simply keeping a diary. If you are starting a diet or exercise program or require medical evaluation or advice, please see your own family physician.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Weigh-in

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day. Monday at lunch I had planned to go to the gym. Alas, I didn't get to because of work and kids. So, Monday night I swam 500meters and did poolside crunches. Skipping once again the push ups because of my stupid elbow. And it's the right one. Bummer.

But, yesterday I took advantage of my husband working from home and was able to go for a run outside. He works an hour away so I'm usually home with the kids in the mornings until my nanny arrives around 8am. Yesterday he was home because he had to take our son to pick up his schedule at school and do various back to school stuff.

Running is soooo awesome. It's hard. It hurts. I sweat. I want to stop every time part of the way through. But it feels so good when I keep going and push myself and finish. I did the Week 6 day 3 of C25K yesterday. That's 5min warm up walk, 25 minute run, then 5 minute coll down. That's right I RAN FOR TWENTY FIVE MINUTES!!!! Never ever ever ever ever have I done that before and I felt so freakin proud.

Here's the trail behind my house yesterday am. So peaceful.

After my run and stretching, I was starved and thirsty. Since hubbie was home, I whipped up some scrambled egg whites with onion, bell pepper, tomatoes and onions with a little canadian bacon. I had a small serving with 2 pieces of light wheat toast sprayed with Parkay spray. One the side I had a small serving of my homemade fruit salad. I love having a variety of foods, especially in the morning. Makes me feel like I have my own personal breakfast buffet. Total was 303 cals, including my coffee with the light creamer.

Lunch was string cheese, and a banana which I ate on the go since I had to run and pick up my son, take him home, run back to his school to straighten out the confusion on whether I'd already paid for his school supplies (which I had), then run back to the office. The afternoon was busy so I missed my snacks and I'd only had the 265 calories at lunch. So by 5:00pm I was starving, my stomach was growling. I mean this was WAY beyond a "rumbly in my tumbly" like Pooh Bear gets. This was, I wanted to eat my desk, full on hunger roaring.

Luckily, I pack my little bag of snacks every day.

Sometimes I just eat the various things as my lunch, others they become my snacks. Sometimes I don't eat them all, but this way I always, always have healthy alternative foods because there are always, ALWAYS bad choices available in the office. Yesterday alone we had bagels, cookies, and some kind of fruit mini danish brought in. You'd think people would bring healthy stuff to doctors, but they don't.

Yesterday I had packed more fruit salad and an apple. I ate the fruit salad at my desk while I finished up the paperwork (or more accurately computer work since I do all electronic charts). Then on the way home I drank a big ole 32 ounces of ice water as I do every day and had the apple. I've found that drinking water and having a snack on the way home stops me from being overly hungry when I walk in the door and either grabbing the first thing I see to eat or "tasting" everything I'm cooking.

Last night's dinner was tacos made from the taco salad left overs from Sunday.

I had 3 along with 7 baked Tostitos and Salsa and this wrapped up dinner at 573 calories. Meals and snacks came in at total 1441 calories for the day. With my run burning 406, my net was 1034. Pretty good overall.

This am I got up and rode my bike 7.5 miles. I picked one of the harder rides and maybe the day after a long run isn't the time to do that? My legs were burning! After I did crunches on my balance ball. Still unable to do push-ups, I thought I'd be Miss Warrior Girl and try one armed ones. Ok, soooo not ready to do that. I did one. Which I find amazing. Then I did TEN girlie ONE ARMED PUSH UPs. Take that skinny bitches.

The weigh in this am was good. I lost .2 pounds which doesn't sound like much except that I posted an early weigh-in on Friday showing a loss of 2.4 sooooo my total loss this week is 2.6 pounds! Yeah! Especially considering the birthday party pitfalls I faced this week AND out of town guests. Yeah me! I am only 5.6 pounds from my first goal of 212pounds, which is the lowest weight I've weighed in the last 10 years.

How's your week going? How do you handle snacks? Do you even eat them? If so what? I've found snacks are absolutely essential. In fact, it's time for one now. Gotta go work! Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Fantabulous stuff... Sounds awesome...

  2. Great work on the weight loss and eating. And congrats on the running. Doesn't it make you feel so strong and great to see how your body can show up for you like that? Your food looks good.

  3. You seem so organized and planned out...which is THE WAY to go for weight loss. PS-is that one of those interchangable cover purses?

  4. Yay! Way to go!

    I like cheese sticks, sugar free jello and yogurts for my snack foods. Pretty basic I guess... oh and grapes.

  5. Ok I just got back from my noon walkathon and was feeling pretty good about myself but you blow me away!!! I am feeling pretty wimpy now!

    I absolutley HAVE to have snacks. I get hungry even more so now that I am more active and my calorie intake is probably around half what it used to be. I bring either a cup of grapes (70 calories) or a can of tuna with one tablespoon of low fat miracle whip and 2 tablespoons of brown mustard mixed up (130 calories) to work. At home my two favorite snacks are Great Value Key Lime yogurt or a stalk of celery with peanut butter on it (around 80 for the yogurt, around 125 for the celery and peanut butter). I love this new lifestyle because I am an evening snacker, but with a calorie bank, I have become a much more responsible evening snacker!

  6. I just discovered that I love running too!! My trainer started me with a 5 min warm up, then 30 second run, 1 minute walk, then 30 second run etc. Yesterday I ran for 11 minutes - Never have done that before!! So fun!

  7. Congrats on the one-armed pushups and the 25 minute jog! That's fantastic! GO YOU!!!

    As for me, yes I'm a snack monster. Like you with your lunches, I don't ever really consider myself to sit down with a real "meal"...I consider myself to snack and graze nonstop throughout the day. My favorite snacks are: almonds, cucumbers with ranch dressing, tunafish with brown mustard, and peanut butter on crackers. I try to eat something every 2 hours!

    I think I'm overdue for a snack!!! I'm hungggrryyyy!

    Thanks for the info on my blog about the plastic surgery for skin tightening! You're absolutely right that I need to wait a while to ensure that the weight doesn't come back on. I keep telling my hubby the same thing. "Give me a year," I keep telling him!


  8. Congrats on the weight loss! And the awesome run! I so want to run, but I can't even walk fast on the treadmill, but I'm working on all that.

    My snacks are a few almonds, Babybel Light cheese & lowfat Triscuits, yogurt, peanut butter on a couple of crackers, or a couple of bites of leftover pork chop or steak. Oh, and maybe baby carrots. Never sweets.

  9. Snacks are imperative! I will bring along walnut pieces lots of times because they curb my hunger for a good long while!

    I am DYING to try the C25K business, but I need the iPod first, apparently, right? Or I could use hubby's droid, if he will allow it! Still, I want my own.

  10. Jo- I don't walk fast at all. I run very slowly, but I am getting better as my endurance increases. Don't wait, just try it. You might be surprised.
    Lanie-go to active.com. There should be links to a written down version of the program. You don't need an ipod at all. All you need to know is how long to walk, then how long to run. You can do it anyway you want. A lot of people are doing it and not using an app.

  11. Dr. Fat - I do run a bit sometimes (from mailbox to mailbox) and I am hoping to do more when the heat and humidity aren't so high. Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. I am impressed with your running, too, so am gad that you clarified your running style above. Thanks for the tips on the websites, too. I hope to get in touch with the runner within soon.

    I, too, need snacks. Lately it has been 1 cup of grapes or strawberries (some fruit) or maybe a few carrots with humus as a dip. Michele

  13. Love the "breakfast buffet". Isn't it great discovering meals that are good, and good for you?

    Congrats on your progress. You really earned it.

  14. I'm new here and am awe of your progress so far! I admire anyone who can build a running program, no matter what their speed.

    I'm a fully-committed snacker, but I'm also committed to making them mostly healthy snacks. My favorite is a yogurt "sundae", which is greek yogurt, nuts, and fruit with a drizzle of lite chocolate syrup. Technically, it rounds out my nutrition for the day, but emotionally it helps to call it dessert. :)

  15. Great run - 25 minutes is a long freaking time to keep running! You are doing fantastic and I love your energy!


Progress to TouchDown and GOALLLL!!