
This blog is an accounting of my personal journey to find fitness. All the content on this blog should be read as a biographical piece of literature, not a medical resource. I am a physician, but I am in no way giving medical advice or establishing doctor patient relationships with my readers. I am simply keeping a diary. If you are starting a diet or exercise program or require medical evaluation or advice, please see your own family physician.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


First day and I almost forgot I didn't post twice. I'm having one of those days I guess. Earlier I had a terrible headache. I was sitting at my desk thinking, "Dang it. This headache isn't getting better. Stupid medicine isn't working" when I looked down and realized that the medicine was sitting there in its happy little package and I hadn't taken it yet!  Geez!  I took it and guess what? About an hour later it was better. Imagine that.

Same thing happened with this post. I had this post written in my head and I really thought I had posted it. I was thinking, no one had commented and so I was checking to be sure it posted only to realize I hadn't written it I just thought I did. Sigh.....I guess I am just so busy I get distracted.

Today wound up being a decent day. It was busy but tolerable. Other than the headache it was good. I did miss my noon TKD class AGAIN. So irritating. It was a mix up with the schedule. That's OK. I didn't let it stop me. I went tonight even though I was tired. Hard class tonight and I had trouble. I'm congested and my throat is a little sore. I think it's allergies. After all that rain, the mold counts are up. Stupid mold.  I probably have some fluid in my ears because when I tried to do the 360 round house kicks a few times in a row it was not pretty. I almost fell a couple of times and then I just stopped. I do not want to get hurt.

This morning I rode the bike 30 minutes. I was running late so only a little stretching and that's it. I didn't have time for weights today.  For breakfast I had a bagel thin with egg substitute and turkey bacon and coffee, of course. I had all my water-128 ounces. For lunch I had boiled eggs, yogurt, berries and an apple for snack. Late in the afternoon with the headache I was hungry.  I hadn't planned on eating that stuff for lunch. I was supposed to eat at home. That stuff was supposed to be my morning and afternoon snacks.  I had nothing to eat. Luckily we had some baked lays in the office. I don't eat that stuff much, if ever, but it was either that or dive head first into the big bag of cookies left over from lunch or the cake one of my patient's brought in. The chips were 130calories. Smarter choice.

For dinner I had chicken noodle soup because y throat is more sore. I had a few crackers with it and some hot tea with splenda and an orange slice. Now I'm drowsy and tired and I can't remember the witty and funny things I had written in the phantom post I thought I'd posted earlier. Oh well. hopefully it will come back to me at some point.  The day ended at 1471 calories. A little higher than usual for me. But, I did work out twice. I walked 9961 steps. If I wasn't so tired I'd walk around just to get those 10,000! I burned 750 in exercise. Over all a good day in the healthy eating and exercise front.

TKD was fun tonight as we did a lot of work with our staffs.  It is so much fun. It is hard to learn for me trying to get the hand placement right and the moves down, but I'm learning. We did the usual warm up with crunches and push ups. They added planks tonight. Then we worked on kicking drills and finally the staffs.

I had a lot of sodium today. Won't be surprised if the scale is up a tad. Oh well, it will come off. I'm drinking as much water as I can.  We'll see. Anyway.....post #2 for today is done. I'm exhausted. I hope that my sore throat is just allergies. I'm in no mood to be sick. Hope you all have a good night. See ya in the morning.


  1. Your TKD sounds fun...I've always wanted to try a martial art...I best start looking for one.

    1. Oh Kyle you should! It's the first exercise in my whole life I look forward to. Can't wait to get to class most times. It is hard but it is so much fun and you have to focus so hard on what you are doing that the time flies by. Do it!

  2. allergies are knocking me DOWN this year too.
    hope youre feeling better.



    1. Thanks. I'll be fine. I've had them my whole life and that at a major drag! The medicine usually works but mold kicks my butt!

  3. Yes Jan I try to. My LoseIt program tracks my sodium and I try to keep it at a daily avg of under 2grams

  4. Hey! First time reading... also, new subscriber. It's so awesome that you're doing TKD! I love seeing that you're concentrating on more than diet. Movement is SO DANGED IMPORTANT! I look forward to reading more!

    1. Welcome! Glad you're here. I just recently discovered your blog as well. Yes I move a LOT. Love it now that I CAN!!

  5. It's all I can do to post once a week, so twice a day is rocking it! Good job :)

    I'm trying to keep my sodium close to 1500mg/day, and not go past 2300. Some days I do better than others, and I know flat-out that if I eat something I haven't fixed (be it restaurant or pre-prepped food, like soup from a can), it's going to be higher and I'll be lucky to stay within my limits. Then I watch my husband salting potato chips (yes, really) and bite my tongue.

    1. I figure if I'm posting or thinking about posting, I'm less likely to be eating. SALTING potato chips???!!! oh lord my doctor side just got worried. No one needs that much salt no matter what they weigh. He needs to stop it! Dang!

    2. I know. I'm on him about his salt and he's still in his denial phase where he says "when you salt it, it doesn't have any calories." I'm trying to keep him alive as long as possible (he's 50 and has 9 years on me), and he just keeps trying to do himself in with the stupid salt. ARRRGH!!!

  6. Sounds like you are little over stressed and need a break!

    I hope that sore throat passes quickly and that you have a great weekend!

  7. Oh I hope you fell better soon. I know how haveing a cold can really put a damper on your fitness efforts.


Progress to TouchDown and GOALLLL!!