Friday, July 1, 2011

Yeah it's FRIDAY!

Happy Friday!

Nothing better than a 3 day weekend staring you in the face, eh?  I am so looking forward to the weekend. It's going to be so much fun. My BFF and her kids are coming along with my Aunt and cousin's daughter. I alway enjoy these weekends and they don't have nearly often enough. My BFF and I usually regress to high-school like giggles about all kinds of stuff. We get to catch up with each other and relax. Can. Not. Wait.

We don't really have anything on the agenda. That's the fun part. Just hanging out, swimming, grilling, movies and games with the kids. It will be a fun relaxing time and it's just what the doctor ordered for me. Ha ha!  And you know what? I'm not even nervous about weekend binging or holiday food or any of that old baggage. I'm really doing well as far as food goes. It no longer scares me that I'll completely lose control. I have plenty of healthy options and I will be fine. I really have come a long way.

The only real planned event is that the kids and I are marching in the July 4th parade with our TKD gym. They are having a float and we are supposed to walk/ride with them. The only downside is we have to wear our uniforms, long sleeves! But it's early in the morning and at least it is white. We'll be taking a lot of water. Pics to follow next week!

So the scale remains uncooperative. I think I've identified a couple of issues. One, I had changed my birth control pill a while back. Two, I'm taking a new iron supplement which is playing havoc with my ability to go #2. I'm still exercising and watching my calories. But I haven't lost any weight. I had some labs done yesterday and I'm waiting on the results. Until then, I'm going to stay the course and find positives outside the scale.

One of those is evident in my new size. I got this dress at Target the other day for $12. It's a size Large.  I love a bargain. I bought it thinking I could wear it "soon" but I tried it on at home for fun and it fits! So I'm wearing it today. I'm wondering if it's too short, but I don't care. It's freaking Texas hell hot people.
I do not like my arms right now. I hate that my muscles are firmer and my arms look worse! BUT, it's mostly skin hanging not fat, so I guess that's better.

I got cracked up at Shelley's post today when she was talking about fighting with her husband over watermelon. It really brought a chuckle for me as this is an issue at my house also. I've taken to hiding some chopped up melon in a corner of the fridge so I can get some. I have 3 kids ages 13, 6, 5 who LOVE watermelon. They can eat an entire melon in ONE DAY. There are much worse things for them to eat, so it's OK with me. But, it results in unhappy menu surprises for mom sometimes. So annoying when you plan a snack and your mouth is watering for it and it's gone!

Looking forward to our garden producing some soon. We have several little tiny baby watermelons showing up! And speaking of watermelon, I saw this recipe for Watermelon martinis and I think that must be on the agenda for weekend BBQ party by the pool.

I'll watch the amount of alcohol of course and hydrate, but it's a very rare thing for me to relax and have a drink, so it's in my plans this weekend. Calories counted, of course.

I recently bought one of these
The kids love it because it makes Popsicles while they watch. It takes about 7 min to freeze. We made some the other day with fresh strawberries and crystal lite lemonade. YUMMY!  No  more, "are they done yet?" questions. We also made them with watermelon juice and it was fabulous.

Tami over at Nutmeg Notebook has a cool giveaway going on. Head over and check it out. I love that blog as she has some awesome healthy recipes. If you don't read her, you should!

That's all for me for today. I wish you all a happy holiday weekend. Remember to drink your water and count your calories, ALL of them! What are you planning this weekend? Are you enjoying summer's bounty of fresh fruit? I sure am!


  1. Yay - Happy 4th Of July!
    Watermelon Martini!
    That sounds like a poolside treat.
    Pairs nicely with BBQ!

  2. Thanks for the shout out Ann!

    Your new dress is fabulous, I love a bargain like that! It's not too short-juts right!

    I know what you mean about going to the frig to get your snack only to discover someone has eaten it already! Happens to me all the time here!

    Enjoy your weekend and the parade!

  3. Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend!

    We're running really low-key this year. We'll probably do some sparklers on the 4th and call it a day. Food-wise I'm considering hamburgers on whole wheat buns with roasted potato wedges (they work fine with the ketchup, according to the kids!). Or I may just stick with my lentil soup, LOL.

    I live for blueberries. They're in season here and they are awesome.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  4. Hiding watermelon is no worse than labeling a container with your name on it...I'm just glad to know we're not the only watermelon fiends around, lol!

    You look fantastic in that dress - I love the colors, and it doesn't look too short on you at all. And hell's yes, it's Texas and it's HOT! Wear it and be cool!

    My fridge is currently stuffed with pineapple, cherries, watermelon(!), grapes and apples. And by the end of the long weekend, it'll all be gone. Well hey, there ARE two of us living here! ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Don't even get me started on the skin wings you get from fast weight loss. I am busting my but lifting weights to get the arms I want and all I see is that crap sagging like a turkey waddle. I need that Zoku thing. That is rad.

  6. I hope you had a great weekend Doctor F! By the way the dress is NOT too short and looks great! I'll have to try that watermelon martini recipe sometime...sounds delicious.

  7. You look great!!! Great dress, but mostly, you look awesome and happy.

    I also like the parade pics on the other post. Very cool.
